Tuesday, February 28, 2012

EVO 2012

Dear followers,

We would like to share with you all - our followers - information related to a recent workshop we run during the Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2012- Evelyn, Miguel and Teadira were in charge of one of the workshops offfered by EVO2012 this year: Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom 2012.

Basically, the aim of this workshop was to provide teachers with basic proficiency related to the production and publishing of digital media files (podcasts) and its implementation in the language classroom to enhance communication in speaking and listening skills. 

The online workshop was run during five weeks offering participants the opportunity of reading and discussing about podcasting for the ESL/EFL classroom and of undertaking more practical tasks in order to create their own podcasts and integrating them to their classroom.  

The following are the communication media and tools to be used during this workshop were:  

Yahoo group
Blogs: Blogger 
Web-based recorders: Voxopop,  Voicethread
Audio recording and editing software: Audacity
Voice recorder: Mp3 Skype recorder
Communication tool: Skype 
Podcasts host sites: Podbean, Viewpoint, Woices, Podomatic, blip.tv, ivoox 
Microblogging: Twitter 
Video-tutorials: YouTube, Screener        
Virtual classroom: WiZiQ
 Surveys: Survey Monkey 

One of the e-tasks of this workshop was to create podcasting projects. All our participants design interesting and motivating projects and all of them were published in the Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom 2012 blog.

Another of the learning experiences we had was to gather all participants in a Live Session to share their podcasting projects with other participants. 

If you want to find out more about this Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom 2012 workshop, please have a look at:






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